Public housing

Living in the City: An Inside Look at Four Decades of Changing Housing in New York City

For the third year, the New York City Municipal Archives is participating in Photoville NYC. Photoville is a pop-up exhibit lasting 2 weeks, directly under the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn. Each participant gets a shipping container to turn into a temporary gallery and we have found it a great way to engage with the public and reach new audiences. This year's exhibit is drawn from the Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) photo collection recently processed and digitized through two New York State grants.

Dispatches from the Urban Heartland, Part 1: Welcome

A bit of an introduction. I was born in 1964 and live in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. I walk the same streets my family did when they lived here decades ago. Having moved here in 1997, I’ve now been walking in the footsteps of my elders for twenty years...